TUESDAY CLASSES will start again in the fall
Registration for the next class season will be available shortly.
Clicke the link above to register as a cast member for Encore Encore. You will find it as a cast choice in the Spring 2016 listing of classes. Cost $15 - and you will receive a free seat for a parent or grandparent!
THURSDAY CLASSES begin April 14 Thursdays from 4:30 - 6:30 #2 McVicar Street, South Red Deer
Core Drama
(ages 8-18)
Teacher: Jon Epp Assisted by: Carinne Lamy
Learn the basics of drama and acting in this creative course. From theater history to improv, this class is designed to give you a basic foundation of the world of drama.
Core Voice
(ages 8-18)
Teacher: Laurette Woodward
This dynamic beginning voice class will cover all elements of good singing techniques. Students will receive training in how to use their voices correctly and how to have a confident audition. Emphasis will be placed on proper breathing and support. This important class is for everyone who has ever wanted to sing correctly and well!
Time to Tap!
(ages 8-18)
: Tori Grebinski
Basic tap steps and simple sequences will be taught in this class. A fun and friendly class that will deliver a great sense of achievement and build your dance skills in this discipline that defines Musical Theatre. If you have never tapped - this is the class for you...AND, if you alreay have tap basic, we will build your skills to the next level!
Transformations Makeup!
(ages 8-18)
: Rachelle Hunt
Prerequisite: Core Drama
Create a masterpiece using an actor's face as a canvas! Grab your makeup kit and brush
to produ
ce basic stage makeup as well as specialty features like old age, facial hair, black eye, dirty face, and more. Stretch your creative skills even further when you learn how to make a person look like an animal!
TK Ben Nye
Theatrical make-up kits are required and can be purchased first class day
Make 'em Laugh!
(ages 8-18)
: Chris Van Hyfte Assisted by: Amanda Bulger THIS CLASS IS CURRENTLY FULL
Prerequisite: Core Drama
Whether you feel like you are a natural comedian, have always enjoyed a good pun, or are the one to plan the ol' slip on a banana peel trick in your school cafeteria, you're invited to embark on the rules of comedy.
Come play with us as we learn what makes something funny on stage...and what doesn't.
Learn the classic bits and gags and how to execute them. Experiment with a variety of comic characters, discover your individual attributes and strengths, and create your own unique repertoire of characters within the context of various comedic excerpts.
Let's "make 'em laugh!"
Swing Swing Swing!
(ages 12-18)
Learn the fundamentals of Lindy Hop (jitterbug). Discover the Lindy Hop Basic (swingout), Lindy Circle, and Charleston, along with turns and a few good arials. The goal of the class will e to have you social dancing the different componants, comfortably intermixing different rhythms and timings. There will be a of partner rotation to build up foundations. When we master the basics, we will move on to STYLE. This is the original form of swing dancing which evolved in the 1920's and dominted dance halls through WWII to music from the late 20's hot jazz to the early 40's Big Bands.
Registrations will be an even number of gentlemen and ladies. You can register with a partner, if you each notify the office and complete enrollment within 24 hours of each other (paid enrollment). Otherwise, enrollment is first come, first in....